Kid City is cancelled for this afternoon.

Students Return Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Grinch Day
Wednesday, December 18
Wear your “Grinchiest” outfit!
*NPSB dress code must still be followed, no holey jeans, and leggings are not pants

DARE Graduation

Christmas Program

Jan Brett book signing

Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Students must wear their uniforms for school pictures.

Christmas Festival Announcement

December Calendar of Events

Happy Thanksgiving

Students and faculty are out for Thanksgiving Break as of Friday, November 22, 2024 and will return to school Monday, December 2, 2024.
Have a Blessed and Safe Thanksgiving Break!

Click the following link to access our school spirit store if you are interested in purchasing a school spirit shirt, sweatshirt, long sleeve shirt, or long sleeve tee shirt:
Store closes Sunday, December 8 @ 10:00pm

SPS Release

Homecoming Dress Down Day

Congratulations to our 5th and 8th Grade Students of the Year for GES!

As a reminder, all Natchitoches Parish School Board Schools and Offices will be closed tomorrow, November 5th, for election day. All schools and offices will reopen on Wednesday, November 6th.

School cancelled due to power outage. Monday, August 29. School will resume as normal on Tuesday, August 20.
*This cancellation only affects GES*

Basketball and Cheer letters went home yesterday with 5th-8th grade students interested in participating in fall athletics at GES. Physical forms will be sent home with students who have returned their signed athlete/school contract. Parents, if you have questions or need help in any way, please contact the school to speak with the coaches, sponsors, or principal for assistance.
The posted links are for athletic uniforms for the fall semester as well as spirit wear for fans and supporters.
*If spirit wear is purchased for any student (athlete or supporter), it may be worn with uniform bottoms by students as part of their daily uniform spirit shirt options for this school year.
Basketball Uniform Link for Boys & Girls Basketball: https://poseys.chipply.com/GoldBBall24/
Cheer Uniform Link for Cheerleaders: https://poseys.chipply.com/goldonnacheer/store.aspx?eid=320068
Link for Basketball Spirit Wear for Wildcat Fans and Supporters (scroll to the very bottom of the page after clicking the following link): https://poseys.chipply.com/GoldBBall24/

2024/25 GES Basketball Schedule