Parents & Students
Greetings Magnet Mustang Family!
As the 2023-2024 school year gets underway I am so excited to say Natchitoches Magnet School will be “Riding the Wave” of success this year! We have had a great start to the school year and students are working hard to set meaningful goals for their learning!
Last year, we implemented a new system for teacher development which I am pleased to say, we are continuing last year. As a result of the teachers’ hard work in our cluster learning time each week, we saw gains in student achievement and growth. More specifically, we saw the greatest movement in Social Studies and Science, the areas that we focused on improving the most last year! It is awesome to see the hard work of teachers, students, and families pay off. We will know more about how successful we were when our School Performance Score comes out later this year. This will include our growth for individual students, which I can’t wait to see!
We are excited about this school year. We are looking forward to getting families back in the school. If you are looking to become a greater part of this Mustang family, we are always looking for substitute teachers, concession workers, homeroom parents, and volunteers in general. There will be more information on ways that you can contribute to our family of scholars available during our Title 1 Open House night on Tuesday, September 6, 2022.
At Magnet, we strive to not only teach the curriculum to the fullest extent to ensure your child is ready beyond Magnet, but we also strive to teach our Mustangs about being a good citizen, contributing to the greater good of the community, and helping others. Your child will be able to join various clubs and service organizations this year where they will learn more about the world around them and how they can contribute to making it a better place. Most of these clubs will meet once a month, during the school day on Fabulous Friday. In order to attend these meetings, students can have no missing work. Please encourage your child to stay on top of their school work so they can experience these extra curricular activities as well as our academic opportunities.
As always, I am humbled and blessed to serve this Magnet Mustang community! Thank you parents and guardians for entrusting your most prized possession – your children to us! We thank you for all you do and we look forward to seeing all of you throughout the school year!
Your Principal,
Stephonie A. French, Ed.S
Principal, Natchitoches Magnet School