Parents & Students
NSU Middle Lab School prides itself on the academic achievements of our students. Our “A” grade on our School Report Card is verification of our success as a school. We have students with varying academic needs, so we meet the students “where they are” to help them become successful with an academically gifted program, talent programs, as well as a special education program.
Students can earn high school credits in Algebra I, Art I, and Orchestra I before stepping foot on a high school campus. Field experiences provide hands-on experiences that are aligned with current academic standards and enhance classroom experiences.
NSU Middle Lab School strives for all students to achieve the Louisiana State Standards. The State Standards for Math and English/Language Arts were revised through a review process and are new for the 2017-2018 Academic Year. To learn more about the Louisiana State Academic Student Standards and Grade Level Expectations, visit this page on the Louisiana Believes Website.
As part of NSU Middle Lab’s ongoing efforts to improve student achievement, teachers school-wide are implementing study skills. A free resource we recommend is Khan Academy. Khan Academy is a series of video and practice exercises for many subjects, such as mathematics, computer science, and world history, so students are likely to find a video on what they are learning in class or just an area of interest that we cannot offer.
HomeworkLouisiana offers FREE online tutoring and academic resources from for Louisiana residents from kindergarten through adult learners. Get help in math, science, social studies, or English from a live tutor. These services can be accessed from a Louisiana public library, from your home computer, or from your mobile device.
Find out more here.